Jessica Simpson Talks About Losing Baby Weight

Jessica Simpson is speaking about losing the baby weight she packed on when she was pregnant with her child. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

Jessica Simpson was photographed with her post-baby body. She was spotted in Los Angeles wearing black sweats, carrying water and a jar of whey protein powder.

The picture revealed the struggle Simpson is having losing the baby weight after giving birth to Maxwell Drew back in May. Simpson hit the scales at 170 pounds when she was expecting.

Simpson told USA Today now she can't jog because "my boobs are way too big!"
Simpson did reveal she's walking 14,000 steps a day, which is about seven miles. She's also working out with a personal trainer five times a week.

INSIDE EDITION has learned that Simpson hired celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, a former hockey player who is helping her work out and eat right. 

"I didn't realize the weight didn't all come off with the baby," she said, "I left myself indulge in everything I wanted because it was the first time I was ever pregnant, and I wanted to enjoy it."
Next week we'll see much more of Simpson as she reveals her weight loss in her new commercials for Weight Watchers.

"I'm 10 pounds away" from her goal, Simpson told US Weekly.