Two Years Later, Family Mourns Disappearance Of Baby Lisa Irwin

Two years after baby Lisa Irwin vanished, INSIDE EDITION speaks to the parents of the missing girl who still hold out hope of finding their daughter.

The mother of missing baby Lisa Irwin choked back tears as she marked the second anniversary of her daughter's disappearance.

Deborah Bradley and little Lisa's father, Jeremy Irwin gave INSIDE EDITION's Les Trent an exclusive look at their daughter's bedroom as it looks today.

"It's been two years. That's a long time," said Trent.

Deborah tearfully replied, "A very long time. Feels more like ten."

It was from a bedroom, the couple say, that an intruder snatched 10-month-old Lisa in the middle of the night exactly two years ago. The Scooby Doo costume Lisa was supposed to wear on Halloween 2011 still hangs in the bedroom.

"She was kidnapped before Halloween. She didn't get to wear it. We took her to a couple of stores with it on her and she really liked it," Deborah said, choking back tears.

Deborah and Jeremy continue to buy outfits and gifts for all the milestone moments in a child's life that Lisa never got to celebrate.

Trent asked, "You always talk about Lisa in the present-tense. You have no doubt that she's coming home?"

Deborah replied, "Oh, absolutely. I have no doubt at all. No doubt at all."

Experts have also released a computer rendering of what Lisa may look like now as she approaches her third birthday, assuming she is still alive.


"What was your first reaction when you first saw this," asked Trent.

Deborah answered, "Overwhelmed. Really, really happy that I got to see her...that I get to see her again. But at the same time, sad because it's not in person yet."

The baby Lisa mystery riveted America. When the child vanished, Deborah and Jeremy found themselves under suspicion after cops in Kansas City said the couple was less-than-cooperative.

More questions were raised when surveillance video showed Deborah buying wine the day her daughter disappeared.

In an interview on the Today show in 2011, Deborah was asked, "Were you drinking that night?"

"Yes," she answered.

"How much?"

"Enough to be drunk," answered Deborah.

Police even staged a reenactment to test how difficult it would be for an intruder to climb in through the window and climb out again with a baby.

The couple also has two sons together. Deborah and Jeremy have always insisted they had nothing to do with Lisa's disappearance. And Deborah is adamant they were never uncooperative with police.

Trent said, "A lot of people who look at your story, remember those initial stories, and they go, 'Maybe things could have been different if you would have cooperated with police earlier, because are police are saying you didn't."

Deborah replied, "We did. We always have."

A heartbreaking anniversary for the parents of little Lisa.