'Action Movie Kid's' Baby Sister Blasts Cars, Levitates With Her Own Super Powers

One Dreamworks animator is giving his kids super powers that they could only dream about!

You may remember James, known to the world as 'Action Movie Kid' with his amazing super power videos, created by his dad a Dreamworks animator. But now there’s a new family member with special talents making her debut!

Read: Animator Transforms Son Into Action Kid!

Daniel Hashimoto uses high end special effects to turn his children in action stars and he has just teamed up with Field Day, a new YouTube channel to introduce his six-month-old daughter, Sophia.

Their new action packed short film shows what everyday life is like for Daniel taking care of two children with super powers.

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The epic video introduces a new villain from the Alpha Tots Academy and if you recognize him, that’s because it’s Brian Baumgartner from NBC’s The Office.

Andrew from Field Day explained to INSIDE EDITION that his longer movie not only showcases the stunning special effects, it also tells the story of the new world that the Action family has created.

We think it’s only a matter of time before they get a feature film!

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