Trump Questions If Obama Wants to Beat ISIS: 'Nobody Knows Why He Doesn't Have More Anger'

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee appeared on 'The O'Reilly Factor' and blasted the president.

Donald Trump has questioned whether President Obama really wants to defeat ISIS following Sunday morning's massacre in Orlando.

Appearing on The O’Reilly Factor Monday, Trump was asked by the host: "You implied there may be a sinister reason for him not engaging ISIS more aggressively. Do you want to define that further?"

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"Nobody knows what's going on. Nobody knows why he doesn't have more anger, why he doesn't have more competitive zeal. Why doesn’t he have more competitive zeal to knock them out, Bill? This Orlando attack was just absolutely horrendous and yet, he still doesn’t' even use the word radical Islamic terror. I mean, he won't even issue the words," Trump answered.

Trump had hammered Hillary Clinton in the past with the same criticism. On Monday, Clinton used the phrase she has been reluctant to utter for the first time on CNN.

"From my perspective, it matters what we do more than what we say. And it mattered we got bin Laden, not what name we called him. I have clearly said we — whether you call it radical jihadism or radical Islamism, I’m happy to say either. I think they mean the same thing,” she said.

Bill O’Reilly later joined Stephen Colbert on The Late Show following his interview with Trump.

"He wants to be president," O’Reilly said. "He’s using this terrorism issue to bolster his popularity."

"So he’s making a political tool out of a terror attack," Colbert said.

O’Reilly replied: "That’s what he’s doing."

At a campaign stop in New Hampshire Monday, Trump renewed his controversial call for a stricter immigration policy.

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The real estate mogul said: “The killer, whose name I will not use, or ever say, was born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States. His father published support for the Afghan Taliban, a regime which murders those who don’t share its radical views. The father even said he was running for president of that country. The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here. That is a fact, and it's a fact we need to talk about."

"We have a dysfunctional immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country, and it does not permit us to protect our citizens,” Trump said in a speech at Saint Anselm College."

He added: “The immigration laws of the United States give the president the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the President deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate.”

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