Heroic Flight Attendants

Another American Airlines flight attendant is being called a hero after she helped a passenger give birth at 30,000 feet. INSIDE EDITION has more.

When a passenger went into labor at 30,000 feet, suddenly flight attendant Patricia Sund became a mid-air midwife!

It happened aboard an American Airlines flight from Haiti to Fort Lauderdale, forcing Sund to interrupt her usual tasks to inform the passengers that a woman was in labor!

"One popped up and said, 'I'm a doctor!' Okay, cross that off the list, [I] don't have to ask for that," Sund says.

Luckily, there were two doctors on board!

"I was going up to verify that her water had broken, and when I came back another doctor said, 'I'm a surgeon! Can I help?' [I said] Come on back!" she says.

Minutes later, the baby was born, with a bit of help from Sund.

Sund says, "The doctor said, 'It's a boy! Here, take him!' He gave him to me and I said, 'Hello!' "

She joins that other heroic American Airlines flight attendant, Patti DeLuna, who recently helped land a jumbo jet with 232 people on board when the co-pilot became violently ill.

DeLuna had earned a pilot's license to fly small planes when she was 18, but she hadn't flown in more than two decades!

As the flight from San Francisco approached Chicago's O'Hare Airport, DeLuna had to assist the pilot and adjust the altimeter as the jet landed.

American Airlines sent her a fruit basket for performing so well under pressure and her husband John gave her an iPad so she could read about her sky-high heroics.

And the Kung Fu enthusiast admitted she got a real kick out of filling in for the sick co-pilot:

"It was exhilarating. As sorry as I was that the first officer was sick, it was the opportunity of a lifetime," DeLuna told INSIDE EDITION.