Where Super Bowl Commercial Stars Are Today

INSIDE EDITION tracked down some of your favorite Super Bowl commercial stars to find out what they are up to today!

Ever wonder what happened to the kid in who played Darth Vader in that unforgettable Super Bowl ad?

Max Page, the boy who thought he started his dad's car with supernatural powers in a commercial from 2011, is now ten years old. He underwent open heart surgery the year after his ad ran, and he's doing well.

INSIDE EDITION’s Les Trent asked Page, "Can you believe it's been four years?"

"No, I cannot,” he replied.

He is still acting.

And remember that computer geek who kissed supermodel Bar Refaeli in that GoDaddy Super Bowl ad two years ago?

Get ready to see Jesse Heiman in a documentary about his career, entitled World's Greatest Extra!

The documentary chronicles how he pops up in The Social Network, American Pie, and Spiderman!

He told INSIDE EDITION, "I still look really young even though I am 36!"

The GoDaddy commercial sure put him on the map. Even actor Sean Astin pretended he was about to land a big kiss on Heiman at an event.

He said, "I get asked for kisses, even from dudes!"

Yet, they wouldn't compare with that unforgettable smooch from Bar Refaeli.

"I got to kiss her 65 times," he declared.