George the Cat Stands on Two Legs and Thinks He is Human

George the Cat's human-like abilities is quickly making him the internets new favorite feline.

Move over Grumpy Cat, the internet may have a new favorite feline.

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George the Cat is making waves online as the cat who stands on his hind legs and does human-like activities such as sit at the table.

Gaze out the window.

And sit at the counter.

His owner, Andrew Park, has posted the photos of George on Instagram and Facebook and the images are beginning to go viral.

Read: Real Housewives of Orange County Battle Cat From Hell

Park told INSIDE EDITION, “Some people have said that he’s in pain that’s why he’s on two legs, but he’s not. He runs around on all fours at all times. He’s not declawed either. We’ve had him since he was six weeks old, and now he’s eight months old, and he’s done it his whole life. A lot of the time, if he hears something he goes into meerkat mode and stands to look around. He stands for a good 20 seconds.” 

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