D.C. Madam's Attorney: I Have Bombshell Information That Could Affect 2016 Election

Montgomery Blair Sibley is trying to get the records released.

Is there a bombshell that could change the course of the 2016 presidential election? That's what the former attorney of the "D.C. Madam” claims.

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Montgomery Blair Sibley, who represented madam Deborah Jean Palfrey, posted a video on a GoFundMe page trying to raise money for a court battle to release her business records.

Palfrey committed suicide in 2008.

So far he's collected a paltry $390.

“Since 2007, I have been under court order restraining me from publically releasing those records. Those records contain information relevant to the 2016 presidential election,” he said in the video.

The “D.C. Madam” was a national scandal in 2007 and she was convicted of running a high-end escort service in the nation’s capital.

Palfrey once told IE: “You could drive down the streets of Washington and look at every building on your left and right and in each and every one of those buildings, we had clients.”

One of her better-known client's was U.S. Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, who apologized in 2007 as his wife stood by his side.

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Her attorney was given a restraining order preventing him from releasing her phone records.

“Time is of the essence -- given the significance of the upcoming political primaries and caucuses,” he wrote.

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