Military Mom Announces Her Homecoming Over School's PA System: 'I Was a Little Nervous'

Shania Porter, 36, made the announcement in time for her youngest son's first day of school.

On 4-year-old Blake’s first day of school, he never expected to hear the voice of his mom, a deployed U.S. Air Force master sergeant who's been away for more than six months, over the loudspeaker.

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Shania Porter, 36, of Phoenix, Ariz., announced her homecoming to her youngest son by making a special announcement over the PA system at the Primrose School of Palm Valley.

“Attention Pre-K 1, I have a special announcement for a little boy that I flew so many miles to see and to tell him how much I love him,” Porter’s voice could be heard blaring from the speakers.

Just moments later, she walked down the hall to Blake’s classroom, tapped him on the shoulder and enveloped her son in a long-awaited hug.

“When I initially saw [his] face, instantly my face kind of swelled up and I got super emotional,” she told “It was like a flashback of memories, putting [him] to bed and taking [him] to school."

That afternoon, Porter made her appearance at her other son’s school.

Five-year-old Bryce, a first grader at Crown Charter School, thought he was FaceTiming his mom on his principal’s phone before realizing she was standing in the playground right outside the school.

When Bryce spotted his mom, he quickly ran into her arms.

“Initially, it was pretty scary because I didn’t know how receptive they were going to be,” she said. “They’ve been so used to their dad and grandmother at this time so I was a little nervous if they were going to be as excited as I wanted them to be.”  

Porter explained this deployment has been especially tough since it’s the first time she has been away after having Blake and Bryce.

"It was definitely an emotional rollercoaster but you know, I knew what I was getting into,” she said. “I was just so used to being a mom 24/7."

She said it had been difficult to keep in touch with her family only through FaceTime, which made this reunion all the more special.

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“When I landed, it’s like as soon as I touched ground, it was like really just a really good warm feeling,” Porter said. “My heart started to flutter and it’s comfort. That’s the best way to put it. Being home, it feels comfortable and safe and it’s just a feeling of love for the most part.”

Before her next deployment in September, Porter said she is enjoying the time together with her two sons, including a trip to Disneyland.

“You think that 6 or 7 months isn’t a lot of time but they grow so fast,” she said.

Watch: Photographer Recreates Family Photo for Pregnant Mom to Include Deployed Military Husband