Summer of Lightning Claims Another Victim in Deadly Strike

INSIDE EDITION reports on the latest deadly lightning tragedy to strike this summer, in what many are calling the 'summer of lightning.'

A couple on vacation in Mexico were taking a selfie to remember when suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck just a few feet away. They're lucky to be alive in this summer of lightning.

Not so lucky was 20-year-old Nick Fagnano, who was killed when a freak lightning storm struck Venice Beach, California. Fourteen others were also injured.

One witness said, "All of a sudden there was a sonic boom and I felt like someone took a frying pan and hit me over the head."

Four bolts of lightning struck the water and rippled along the wet sand. One man was given CPR by lifeguards right on the beach before being rushed to the hospital.

One witness said, "I looked up and there was a this giant bolt of lightning just shooting across the sky!"

Another witness said, "It was just gigantic and then a really loud thunder clap."

Witnesses compared the stampede from the beach with the iconic scene in Jaws when beachgoers run from the water.

Fashion designer Diana Keinejad shot a dramatic video of a man being pulled out of the ocean after he was struck by the lightning. She tweeted: "What a day! Happy to be alive!" 

So, would you know what to do if you find yourself on a beach or in the open during a lightning storm? The National Weather Service says there are steps you can take that could save your life.

  • At the first sign of a storm take shelter indoors or in a vehicle
  • If there is no shelter stay low, but do not lie flat
  • Stay sheltered for 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder

Visit the National Weather Service website for more information on lightning safety.