
1,000 Pounds of Butter Carved Into a Sculpture to Honor Dairy Industry

The milk fat monument was unveiled earlier this week at Pennsylvania’s 102nd annual Farm Show.

Butter has never looked so good.

A thousand pounds of the stuff was molded into a sculpture to honor the agricultural arts.

The milk fat monument was unveiled earlier this week at Pennsylvania’s 102nd annual farm show.

“It is really an appropriate theme for the farm show and an appropriate theme for this year's butter sculpture, is in our diversity both as a commonwealth and certainly as an industry,” Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding said in a statement. “It is what's embodied in the thousand pounds of butter, it's molded in there.”

Carved on the half-ton sculpture were scenes of careers and roles that support the agriculture industry, including a dairy cow and farmer, a milk processor who tests, processes and delivers dairy products and a buyer with a basket of products.

Officials explained artists started carving the block of butter in December and the artwork, sponsored by American Dairy Association North East (ADANE), will be converted into renewable energy after the farm show is over.