Adventurer with Cerebral Palsy Makes History Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro

"Don't let anyone take hope away from you."

Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest free-standing mountain in the world and a challenge for thrill-seekers everywhere.

For one man, Bonner Paddock, he made history when he made it to the top. It would be an extraordinary feat for anyone, but it's even more remarkable for Paddock.

He told INSIDE EDITION, "I was like, "Wow, Bonner, what have you gotten yourself into!"

Paddock was born with cerebral palsy which causes low muscle tone and problems with movement and balance.

He showed us his specially made braces.

"It's very soft so it fit in the boot and then obviously the hard exterior to try to support my ankles and legs to try to take off as much of the pain and swelling problems I was having," he said.

In his new memoir, One More Step, he recounts every step of his painful climb, including the moment he reached Mt. Kilimanjaro's 19,230 foot peak.

"I saw the sign I had seen so many pics of. I just had to lean against it," he said.

But this would not be Paddock's only achievement. Soon after, he competed in the Ironman triathlon which involves swimming 2.4 miles and cycling 112 miles before running a marathon.

"Coming across that finish line was total euphoria," he declared.

Greg LeFevre is Paddock's trainer. He told INSIDE EDITION, "It's a challenge because he doesn't recover the same but he fights and he goes until he's got nothing. It's always rewarding."

His story is proof you can climb every mountain, no matter what the odds.

Paddock said, "Don't let any obstacle, don't let any person tell you you're worth nothing. Don't let anyone take hope away from you."

To Read An Excerpt From Paddock's Book, Click Here For a PDF File

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