
New Mom Explains 'Ghost Dad' in Family Photo with 6-Month-Old Baby

The baby's father died two weeks before he was born, but they'll have this afterlife moment together forever.

It's a family portrait that will haunt you.
In the photo, a young mom is holding her baby boy as the ghostly image of his dad stands next to them.

Sierra Sharry was eight months pregnant when her boyfriend, Lane Smith fell off an ATV and hit his head.  

She said, “Whenever I look at it, it reminds me that he is always there. His brain was hemorrhaging. He was brain dead in 12 hours.”

Two weeks later, Sierra gave birth to their child, Taos.

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It was what she and Lane had dreamed about, having a family of their own. But he wasn't there to share it with her.
Then Sierra did something remarkable and she asked photographer Kayli Henley to help.

“I said, ‘I’ve never done it but I’ll play around,’” said Kayli.

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First the photographer took a shot of Sierra and baby Taos. Then, using photo editing software, she added Lane to the picture. The image is like a spectral, almost supernatural.

The result may be eerie to some, but to Sierra it's a beautiful photo of the family she almost had.

“My heart just stopped, it was crazy to see. Seeing us all together was something you can’t explain,” Sierra said.

Kayli posted the photo on Facebook where it's been shared by thousands of people who were moved by this portrait of a family from beyond the grave.

Sierra said, “I can’t thank Kayli enough. She gave me something I didn't think I'd never have, a picture of our family.”