
Teens Suffer Crazy Injuries Attempting 'Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge'

Teenagers taking the 'Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge' could caused some serious damage to their faces.

It's the latest phenomenon sweeping social media. Teens are using shot glasses and bottles as suction devices for do-it-yourself lip enhancement.

Some end up with lips that are so swollen and bruised, it looks like they they’ve been beaten!

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What's causing this craziness?

They're trying to look like reality star Kylie Jenner, the 17-year-old half-sister of the Kardashians and daughter of Kris and Bruce.

Kylie recently debuted what's being called a "Shocking New Face," complete with what some speculate are surgically enhanced lips.

Kylie's new look is now the inspiration for the #KylieJennerLipChallenge. There's an Instagram account dedicated to the challenge with 2,000 followers and counting.

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Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Marc Mani says big lips may be in, but the lip challenge is a bad idea.

He said, "They break blood vessels and then that can create scar tissue that is permanent. So, that can create lip deformities they could have for the rest of their lives."

INSIDE EDITION’s Megan Alexander spoke to 15-year-old Zoey McGuire from Iowa who did The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge. Two days later, her lips are still black and blue.

She told Alexander, "To do it you take a shot glass and then you put it on your lips, you suck it for 20 seconds, and you do that six times."

Alexander asked, “What about some of the doctors who say this is dangerous, this can cause permanent damage?”

“Well, I really hope other kids don't do this now that they see how damaging it can be,” McGuire said.

For the record, Kylie says her lips are au natural and that she merely uses good lip liner.

Natural or not, doctors say do-it-yourself lip plumping is dangerous.