
First Baby Snow Monkey Born at Lincoln Park Zoo

The Lincoln Park Zoo welcomed it's first baby snow monkey this week.

Chicago’s famed Lincoln Park Zoo announced the birth of its first snow monkey this week.

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The unnamed Japanese macaque, also known as a snow monkey, was born on Saturday to 10-year-old Ono. Ono, his mother, is one of eight adult macaques at Lincoln Park; the baby’s father is unknown. The mother and her newborn are on display at the zoo’s new Regenstein Macaque Forest habitat.

The zoo believes that the baby is a boy however Ono has not allowed examination just yet.

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Zoo President Keven Bell wrote on the Lincoln Park Zoo website, “Ono has been holding the new baby close and offering it appropriate care in these first crucial hours. She’s an experienced mom, having given birth once before at the snow monkeys’ previous home, the Japan Monkey Centre.”

The Japanese macaque have only been living in the zoo since last fall and the baby is joining eight others at habitat which features a complex and dynamic space with hot springs, streams, and multiple levels in an effort to create an authentic environment to help grow the snow monkey population. The exhibit will help the zoo conduct research on their cognitive behavior using touch screen technology.

Snow monkeys are generally eager to go outside and currently mother and son are exploring their surroundings.

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