
Reporter Gets the Fright of Her Life By 'Video-Bomber' During Live Broadcast

Los Angeles news reporter Wendy Burch jumped and screamed when she noticed the man standing right behind her during a live broadcast.

This Los Angeles news reporter got the fright of her life when she was “video-bombed” during a live broadcast.

Wendy Burch, a reporter for KTLA, was wrapping up a story about potential locations for the Olympics when a man appeared behind her and held a pose.

Moments later, she spotted him – and screamed in shock. And he seemed to get a fright too.

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Unable to finish the report, she threw back to the studio.

Wendy was a good sport about the incident and took to Twitter to laugh about it.

Not sure who is more scared... the reporter, or the creeper who scared the bejeezus out of me. LOL @KTLAMorningNews

— Wendy Burch (@goodnewswendy) July 28, 2015

On Facebook, she added: "On her Facebook page she states, "I've gone viral, baby! At last count, getting the bejeezus scared out me live on the KTLA Morning News has received over 500,000 views."

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