
It Cost Buzz Aldrin $33.31 to Fly to the Moon and Back

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin tweeted his expense form from his 1969 moon mission.

File this under the most historic expense report ever: Buzz Aldrin's paperwork from his 1969 moon mission.

The cost for him to fly back then? $33.31.

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Aldrin posted the report for his expenses to Twitter last week to celebrate the 46th anniversary of the moon landing:

#TBT My mission director @Buzzs_xtina's favorite piece of my memorabilia. My travel voucher to the moon. #Apollo11

— Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) July 30, 2015

If this were to happen today, Aldrin's $33.31 would be worth around $217, taking into account inflation, according to the Bureau of Labor Statics

For his flight, Aldrin labeled his travel itinerary as a round-trip ticket to and from Houston, with stops in Cape Kennedy, “Moon,” and “Pacific Ocean.”

The expense form did not specify exactly what the $33.31 out-of-pocket reimbursement from NASA was spent on.

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And even though he, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins returned from the moonlanding as heroes, they didn't get to skip out on customs forms.

On Sunday, Aldrin also posted that paperwork to Twitter:

Yes the #Apollo11 crew also signed customs forms. We brought back moon rocks & moon dust samples. Moon disease TBD.

— Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) August 2, 2015

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