
Cop Caught Shaking Down Men to Buy Police Fundraiser Tickets: 'Buy Them, Or I Take Your Car'

Philadelphia Officer Matthew Zagursky was filmed trying to sell the tickets to two motorists he had pulled over.

A Philadelphia cop has been caught on cellphone video trying to get two men he just pulled over to buy tickets to a police fundraiser.

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During the recorded incident, being called a blatant police shakedown, the cop is heard saying to the men, "You and your friend got any money?" And “Either you buy these, or I take your car because it's unregistered.”

The tickets Officer Matthew Zagursky was holding were for an event, called, “The Hero Thrill Show, which raises college scholarships for children of police and firefighters killed in the line of duty.

“You got 30 bucks? Ten bucks apiece,” said the officer. What the cop did to sell the tickets is causing real concern.

The officer also appeared to make a homophobic comment about the driver's pink windshield wipers. “What's up with the [bleeping] wipers?” the cop asked.

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The driver said, “Breast cancer, man. My grandma went through it.”

Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said, "There's no part about the video that I liked. There's no part that's justifiable, at all."

The cop has been put on desk duty. A Philadelphia police spokesman told INSIDE EDITION, "The incident is being investigated by our Internal Affairs Bureau."

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