
Three Exes Speak Out About New Jersey Housewife Daniel Staub

INSIDE EDITION talks to three men who have a lot to say about departing Real Housewives of New Jersey star Danielle Staub.

Say goodbye to the loudest mouth on TV! Danielle Staub is leaving Bravo's The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

An appearance on the reunion show that aired Monday night was her last, and as always she went out fighting with the other three housewives.

"Ya know what? I'm done," said Staub on the show.

But before she goes, three guys want to have their say about Staub. They are all her ex-lovers, and they all say she ruined their lives!

Kevin Maher is an ex-police informant. He was married to Staub for a year. He's now suing her for defamation of character.

"She accused me of raping her on a broken bed of glass. And she knows my love for animals, especially dogs, so she came up with I killed her dog," said Maher.

Maher says none of that ever happened, though he admits to striking Danielle during an argument after he claims she attacked him.

Steve Zalewski, a New Jersey contractor, dated the reality TV star on season one. But he's also suing Staub after she accused him of making a sex tape that captured their intimate moments.

"Everything she said was a made up lie," said Zalewski.

Danny Aguilar served 15 years in prison after he says Danielle set up a drug deal that went bad, then snitched on everyone involved to avoid prison.

Aguilar said, "If she is going to get hurt in any shape, way or form, she will throw you under the bus and nail you."

Allegations of Staub's past ties to prostitution and drugs are written about in Maher's book, Cop Without a Badge. Staub denied the allegations and had this to say about the book, "Two things are written that are true—1. name change. 2. I got arrested. Pay attention. Please!"

She closed the book on the Real Housewives show with some healing hugs. But the real men in her life are not impressed.

Maher said, "Academy Award-winning performance. That's what she should be noted for."