
Watch Tennis Star Coco Vanderweghe Smash Racket at U.S. Open: 'I Let It Rip'

Coco Vanderweghe was not having a good day at the U.S. Open and took it out on her racket.

There was a U.S. Open meltdown on Wednesday as tennis star CoCo Vandeweghe smashed her racket to shreds after a terrible start to a match.

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After losing five consecutive games, she headed to the sidelines and let loose. She ferociously smacking the racket to the ground and mangled the frame.

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As the crowd rained a mixed chorus of boos and cheers onto her, she raised her arms to the crowd and smashed the racket again.

"I definitely wasn’t doing it for the fun of it," Vandeweghe said after the incident, according to New York Post. “I’m down 5-0. It was definitely a lot of nervous energy and pent-up frustration. I let it rip."

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Vandeweghe, who is ranked 45 in this year’s open, was hoping to face off against Serena Williams in a future match.

“I probably wasn’t in the best mind-set I could’ve been,’’ said Vandeweghe. “I definitely was thinking ahead and looking into the future than I was looking into the present, which I’m probably the most disappointed in myself. I wasn’t in the here and now. I was looking into the future.’’

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