
Cops Use Man's Cat to Coax Him Down From Ledge After 3-Hour Standoff

When one man was ready to jump off the ledge of a building, his cat came to his rescue.

A suspected car thief was talked off the third-story ledge of a building following a three-hour standoff with police - thanks to his cat.

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The ginger cat's calming presence helped San Francisco negotiators convince the unnamed man to get down from the ledge after he fled from a traffic stop, according to cops. 

On Wednesday afternoon, the man was pulled over by police because the car he was driving had no license plates, according to reports. When the officers identified that the vehicle was stolen, the man ran into the nearby building and appeared on the third-story ledge.

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He was threatening to jump - but the cat convinced him otherwise after his family brought the pet to scene.

Never underestimate the power of a owner's love for their pet #kitten! Great job #SFPD negotiations; scene clearing

— Ofc. Grace Gatpandan (@OfficerGrace) October 8, 2015

Following a three-hour standoff, the man was coaxed down from the ledge. He was taken into custody after officers allowed him to see the cat.

Thks to #SFPD negotiators for resolving standoff from earlier #CHP foot bail. Suspect's cat helped to calm him

— CHP San Francisco (@CHPSanFrancisco) October 8, 2015

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