Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino defended the remarks he made at a police protest in New York City last month.
Quentin Tarantino appeared on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes on Wednesday night to discuss the controversy surrounding the comments he made about police brutality.
Read: Quentin Tarantino's Dad Slams His Police Brutality Comments: 'He is Dead Wrong'
The director said: “They would rather start arguments with celebrities than examine the concerns put before them by a citizenry that has lost trust in them.”
He also called on police to “stop shooting unarmed people.”
Tarantino created a firestorm when he spoke at a rally in Manhattan 10 days ago where he told reporters: “I'm a human being with a conscience and if you believe there's murder going on then you need to rise up and stand up against it. I'm here to say I'm on the side of the murdered."
On Wednesday, he said that the organizers of the rally, RiseUpOctober, contacted him because of comments he had previously made in interviews "that had suggested that I’m on their side when it comes to this issue of, you know, ultimately what I feel is a problem of white supremacy in this country," he said.
On MSNBC, he did admit that the timing of his speech was poor, considering it came so soon after the murder of NYPD officer Randolph Holder.
“The timing was very unfortunate, and his death that officer's death, is a tragedy, and I acknowledge that 100 percent, and my heart goes out to him and goes out to his loved ones," Tarantino said.
The Oscar winner also made it clear to Hayes that he is not anti-police.
"I was under the impression I was an American and that I had First Amendment rights, and there was no problem with me going to an anti-police-brutality protest and speaking my mind," Tarantino told Hayes. "Just because I was at an anti-police-brutality protest doesn't mean I'm anti-police."
INSIDE EDITION spoke to PBA President Pat Lynch on Thursday morning.
"We are not looking for an apology from Quentin Tarantino. He made his decision, we know what his heart and mind says," Lynch said.
Read: Bill O'Reilly Says Quentin Tarantino 'Destroyed His Career' Speaking Against Police
Police across the nation are calling for a boycott of the filmmaker’s latest movie The Hateful Eight, due in theaters at Christmas.
Lynch told INSIDE EDITION that the boycott of the film "will continue," adding: "This boycott has not only spread to across our country but it has now spread to Canada. He will feel it at the box office."
Tarantino doesn’t seem phased by the possible boycott, saying: “The people who are screaming against me are the mouthpieces for the police. They can call for a boycott. That doesn’t mean that cops are going to respond because I actually have a whole lot of fans that are police officers.”
Watch Below: Jamie Foxx Defends Quentin Tarantino's Anti-Police Speech