
Panic at Harvard As Apparent Bomb Threat Forces Campus to Evacuate

Harvard on Monday issued an alert that it had received an "unconfirmed bomb threat" around 12:30 p.m.

Authorities at Harvard University say they received an "unconfirmed bomb threat" via email on Monday just after noon, forcing the evacuation of several buildings on campus.

Police and bomb squad personnel responded to the scene to investigate four buildings on the Cambridge, Massachusetts campus around 12:30 p.m. in an probe the university said would take several hours.

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"In the wake of recent tragic events in locations ranging from Paris to Beirut and beyond, we understand that this type of threat will cause great anxiety for many across our campuses," read a Harvard statement.

"We will continue to be vigilant as we carry on Harvard’s mission of expanding and disseminating knowledge," it said.

Harvard was one of several area schools--including Cambridge public schools--that reportedly received threats Monday.

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Cambridge police said they recieved an anonymous blog post that was forwarded by an unknown person to them.

The post claimed someone was planning to bomb "cambridge mass city schools."

Superintendent Jeffrey Young told that all schools were searched and that nothing unusual was found.

"The threat assessment was cunducted(sic) in cooperation with CPD and an evacuation was not deemed to be required," a statement from the superintendent read.

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