
Forbes Names The World's 100 Most Powerful Women

Forbes magazine has released their list of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women, and you'll never guess some of the names that top the list! INSIDE EDITION reports.

Lady Gaga leaps onto the new Forbes list of the world's 100 most powerful women at #7. The magazine says she made a whopping $62 million last year and reinvigorated the music industry.

Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey comes in at #3 and Hillary Clinton at #5.

Beyonce actually beats out Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The 29-year-old pop star is listed at # 9, while Pelosi is rated at #11.

Sarah Palin is on the list at #16.
Arianna Huffington came in at #28, but was given the place of honor on the magazine's cover. She just nosed out Madonna, who came in at #29.

So who did the magazine name the world's most powerful woman?

Michelle Obama is #1. Forbes says she has made the office of First Lady her own.