
Reality TV Star Wins Mrs. South Carolina After 7 Cosmetic Surgeries

INSIDE EDITION was there as Holly Julian underwent the procedures, including breast augmentation and chin lipo.

Before winning the Mrs. South Carolina America pageant, one former reality TV star revealed to INSIDE EDITION her plastic surgery makeover.

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Holly Durst, the 2011 winner of ABC’s Bachelor Pad, said she underwent the makeover to “help me feel and look better so I think it will have a lot more confidence on stage.”

The 32-year-old said she felt bothered every time she stared at herself in the mirror, so she turned to plastic surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose for an astounding seven procedures.

Holly had breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and lipo under her chin and cheeks. She also got an eye lift and fillers along her mouth, and under her eyes. The doctor removed her old breast implants and replaced them with a larger size C.

She said the procedures allowed her to feel better before competing in the Mrs. South Carolina America pageant, which she won last month.

“Those little tweaks that Dr. Rose did on me, made me feel better about myself, but I still think I would have done well without it,” she said.

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Now she's on to the Mrs. America beauty pageant, which will take place next year.

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