
Foreclosed Family Takes Matters Into Their Own Hands

As the federal government probes into home foreclosures that may have been handled improperly, one family took matters into their own hands and reclaimed their dream house. INSIDE EDITION has the story. 

Its war as a mom and dad and their nine kids fight to save their home.  
"We feel we've been wronged and we are 100 percent committed to fighting back," Danielle said.

Jim and Danielle Earl had a locksmith break the front door lock after a bank foreclosed on their beautiful home in Simi Valley, California.

Like millions of Americans, they'd fallen behind on their mortgage payments.

The Earls have nine children that range in age from 3 to 23. Now, the kids are back in their empty living room, sitting at their kitchen table, and playing once again in their own backyard.

The family has posted "no trespassing" signs on the house, and they're hoping to sleep in the house for the first time since being evicted in July. They say it's been a nightmare. The entire family spent a month in a motel and then a rental before deciding it was time to go back to their dream home.

The family's attorney, Michael Pines told INSIDE EDITION the foreclosure was illegal because of faulty paperwork and he advised them to reclaim the house.

"The eviction is based on fraudulent documents, they have the right to retake possession. There's a saying, possession is 9-tenths of the law," Pines said.

After the bank foreclosed on the house, it was bought by an investor, who remodeled it and resold it to someone else who planned to take possession in a few days.

That's when the Earls decided they were mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore.

Now they're moving their furniture back into the home they say should never have been taken from them in the first place.

"It was just a feeling of peace, just walking back home," Danielle said.