
People Who Thought They Were Signing Up For a Free iPad Get a Big Surprise

One woman took to the streets to show why you should ALWAYS read the terms and conditions before signing anything.

When YouTube star Jena Kingsley told strangers they could get a free iPad if they signed a long terms and conditions sheet, they quickly learned that they should always read the fine print.

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During the social experiment in New York's Union Square, many people signed away without reading the terms and conditions. When Jena asked for the shirt on their back, they looked stunned.

In the terms and conditions, she had asked for the shirt off their backs to give to those in need.

Also during the stunt, some people got a free iPad and also a pitbull puppy after they signed the terms and conditions. Others signed terms and conditions saying they were fostering a child and giving away a kidney - before she told them what they had done.

"Surprisingly no one got upset. I think it was more confused and shocked than anything else," she told INSIDE EDITION.

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Kingsley added: "Surprisingly, the only person that got upset was a woman who yelled at another man who cut her in line to enter the giveaway, which was obviously pretty funny. She ended up not even entering because she didn’t have time to read the terms and conditions. Out of everyone she was the only one who even considered reading them. Had she read them, that would have been an excellent reaction for camera."

This stunt clearly shows we should all be reading before signing anything.

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