
Heroic Neighbors Pull Out-of-Control Hot Air Balloon to Safety

A California neighborhood rushed to help the pilot after seeing the balloon bobbing above a busy road.

An out-of-control hot air balloon was brought safely to the ground by a group of quick-thinking residents.

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About a dozen terrified people were onboard the balloon as it hit a tree near San Diego and headed towards homes.

The balloon's pilot lowered a rope to onlookers, who tried to pull the balloon to the ground.

Dramatic video of the incident was shot by one of the neighbors, Ric Johnson, who happens to be a professional cameraman.

He told INSIDE EDITION: "Everybody is grabbing onto this thing and they are playing a giant tug of war. One of the guys said: 'Hey, everybody grab the rope.' Next thing you know is someone is grabbing the rope and they are starting to pull this thing and get it out of the way because it was heading toward the houses." 

Neighbors joined together as one to pull the rope. After several anxious minutes, they managed to guide the balloon down safely to the middle of the street.

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But the terror wasn't over because the balloon actually started to lift off again. Everyone jumped in to pin the balloon down and screams turned into cheers.

Nobody was hurt in the incident.

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