Donald Trump Says His Own Personal Indiscretions Are 'Fair Game' As He Attacks the Clintons

Donald Trump went on to attack the Clinton's in front of reporters as he said his own past is 'fair game' in the campaign.

Donald Trump opened up his private plane -- Trump Force One -- to reporters, making sure they were extra careful on-board his multi-million dollar aircraft.

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On the plane, he launched new attacks on Hillary Clinton.

“She's got a major problem and it happens to be right in her house,” he said, taking direct aim at her husband and former President Bill Clinton.

He added: “But there were certainly a lot of abuse of women and you look at whether it's Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones or many of them.”

When asked if his own personal indiscretions were fair game in this campaign, Trump replied: “Yes, they would be.”

On the campaign trail Clinton refused to answer any questions about her billionaire opponent.

It's a far cry from the ties that once kept the two families close. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were once golf buddies.

The Clintons were front and center at Trump's 2005 wedding to his third wife, Melania.

Now, the GOP frontrunner is calling his former friendship with the Clinton’s strictly business.

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“As a world class businessman and as, frankly, a businessman you have to get along with everybody,” Trump said.

Trump did not get an invite to Chelsea’s 2010 wedding and in in 2008 he wrote on "I know Hillary and I think she would make a great President or Vice President."

Yet on the plane in front of reporters Tuesday night, he said: “Believe me, women, if it's got to be a woman, which I’m all in favor of someday, it shouldn't be Hillary. It shouldn't be.”

Watch Below: Trump Attacks Hillary Clinton at Campaign Rally: She Got Schlonged in 2008  

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