
Subway Hero's Actions Criticized by Authorities

When a subway passenger fell onto the tracks, this man leapt into action and brought the passenger to safety. So why are his actions being criticized by subway authorities? INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Life-or-death drama as a subway passenger tumbles onto the tracks in front of an oncoming train. A hero races clear across two sets of rails, including the deadly third rail, to come to the rescue. But incredibly the good samaritan is being criticized for his bravery.

The drama happened at a station in the Washington DC metro system. A passenger, reportedly in the midst of an epileptic seizure, slips off the platform and goes sprawling on the tracks. His fall was recorded on a surveillance cameras.

The passenger was unable to get up, as others desperately try to flag down an approaching train. Then the hero, former Marine lieutenant-colonal Dimas Pinzon, leaps into action. He runs across the tracks, and steps over the electrified third rails until he reaches the victim.

The stricken passenger and the hero are finally hauled to safety.

So who could possibly fault such bravery?

The DC Transit Authority says it was "Incredibly unsafe."

Not much of a thank you for this subway hero.

Officials say the rescuer should have alerted the station manager or waved to the train driver like the other guys.