
Yankees Fans Spit On Wives of Texas Rangers

Texas Rangers star Cliff Lee's wife Kristen says she and other Rangers wives were the targets of some very unsportsmanlike conduct at Yankee Stadium during the playoffs. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Texas Rangers star pitcher Cliff Lee's wife Kristen is now at the center of a storm of controversy, just as the World Series is about to begin.

Kristen says some rowdy Yankees fans would be more at home at the Bronx Zoo than at Yankee Stadium.

She says she and other players' wives were taunted with obscenities, spat at, and even soaked in beer during ALCS games at Yankee Stadium.

They were in a section set aside for visiting players' families.

"When people are staring at you and saying horrible things it's hard not to take it personal," Kristen said.

"There were some people that were spitting off the balcony onto the family section and stuff like that," Cliff told reporters.

Cliff revealed details about the incident on the eve of the World Series and called the rowdy fans goofballs.

"I know it's been made into a big deal, but that's really all it is, just two or three or four people just acting like fools, and 50,000, you can't group them all together. But there's always going to be a couple goofballs in the crowd that think they have a right to do that stuff," he said.

INSIDE EDITION cameras caught similar disturbing scenes at Yankee stadium and other major league ball parks last year.

We spotted Yankees fans throwing beer at a visiting fan. Another fan marched up top to confront the beer thrower and they almost came to blows. Security quickly moved in.

INSIDE EDITION's Lisa Guerrero, wife of former Yankees pitcher Scott Erickson, says players' wives should expect to put up with taunts, but spitting and beer tossing crosses the line.

Guerrero says, "That is absolutely wrong and crossing the line because no matter how much you support your team, there's no way you should be verbally accosting somebody's wife, and remember there are kids in the stands."

The uproar could have serious consequences. The Yankees hope to sign Cliff next season, but now some say his wife won't want to come to New York.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't sign with the Yankees simply because his wife felt abused by Yankees fans," Guerrero says.

Lee's agent says the conduct won't impact his pending free agency decision.