
Paula Jones: I Can't Believe Bill Clinton Has the Nerve to Campaign for Hillary

Jones, who once sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, tells INSIDE EDITION how furious she is to see the former president on the campaign trail.

Paula Jones, who once sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, tells INSIDE EDITION how furious she is to see the former president campaigning for his wife.

“I can’t believe he’s got the nerve to do it,” she said. “I can't believe he's still going out there and showing his face. How can you go out there and talk to people like nothing has happened?”

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Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, made headlines in 1994 when she accused Clinton of propositioning her and exposing himself. The court eventually threw out her suit on the grounds that she failed to demonstrate damages.

Clinton, who has denied her claims, reportedly paid her $850,000 in an out-of-court settlement, although Jones says she only walked away with $151,000 after attorneys’ fees.

Hillary Clinton stood by her husband despite the accusations. Jones said she cannot believe Hillary is now being sold as a good leader for women.

“That just makes me sick. She can’t be trusted,” Jones said. “I don't see how they can believe that she is for women. She is for herself.”

Jones said she does not hold Hillary responsible for her husband’s alleged indiscretions, but “she is responsible for the cover up.”

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When asked how she felt about Donald Trump, Jones said she liked him.

“I’m going to vote for the person who I think is best for our country and to get it back on track and the person who can be trusted,” she said. “Somebody who is from the heart and is a truthful person and loves our country.”

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