
Prominent Female Candidates Lose in 2010 Midterm Elections

The 2010 Midterm Elections were a disappointment for several prominent female politicians who were running for office. INSIDE EDITION reports.

A somber President Obama reacted to the Republicans taking control of the House of Representatives in a major rebuff to the Obama administration.

"Some election nights are more fun than others. Some are exhilarating, some are humbling," he said. "It feels bad...There's also a lot of questioning on my part, could I have done something differently or done something more?"

It was a humbling night for America's most prominent female candidates.

"Tonight has not turned out quite as we had hoped," said a defeated Meg Whitman.

"The outcome isn't what we all worked so hard for," Christine O'Donnell told supporters.

One after the other, the women fell in defeat. Among them, corporate tycoons Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina of California, and Linda McMahon of Connecticut.

"Voters may have gotten a little turned off by the amount of money spent," says Politico's Beth Frerking.

Whitman, the former CEO of eBay, spent $140 million of own fortune. She broke down in tears when the results were in. Linda McMahon, who ran the WWE, seemed unfazed. She spent $50 million on her campaign.  

Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell pulled an all-nighter but looked composed on Good Morning America.

Sharron Angle of Nevada, who publicly feuded with Joy Behar, also lostand Behar didn't seem too disappointed when she heard of Angle's defeat.

"I'm sorry! She lost, I'm so sorry," she said sarcastically on The View.