
Hillary Clinton Barks Like a Dog, Internet Goes Wild

To the joy of social media, the presidential hopeful barked like a dog while in Nevada.

While campaigning in Reno, Nevada, Hillary Clinton barked like a dog while bashing her Republican rivals.

Read: Presidential Hopefuls Sound Off on Sudden Death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Social media exploded with Clinton’s bark.

RT: Hillary Clinton barks and I found it funny, Donald Trump doesn't need to bark for laughs just look at his hair!

— tony c (@tonycadet14_c) February 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton wants to train a dog to bark every time Republicans lie

— Mashable (@mashable) February 16, 2016

Listen to #Hillary bark like a dog! She's losin it. It's hilarious. Let the lip sync vids begin! #HillaryforPrison

— N Wofford (@WoffordN) February 16, 2016

I do not want the next President to bark #HillaryClinton #WhoLetTheDogsOut

— GrrrGraphics (@GrrrGraphics) February 16, 2016

She was explaining that one of her all-time favorite ads was a radio spot that featured a dog barking at politicians who said things that were false. 

Clinton said: “I want to figure out how we can do that with Republicans. We need to get that dog and follow them around and every time they say these things like, 'Oh, the Great Recession was caused by too much regulation,' arf, arf, arf, arf."

Trump's response: "If I did something like that I would be ridiculed." 

There was also a war of words on the campaign trail between Donald Trump and the Bush brothers.

Jeb, George W. and former first lady Laura Bush campaigned together for the first time in South Carolina on Monday. The former president also took a thinly veiled swipe at Trump.

George W. Bush said: “Americans are angry and frustrated, but we don’t need someone in the Oval Office who mirrors and inflames our frustration.”

Read: Trump Repeats Audience Member's Vulgar Insult, Calls Cruz a 'P****'

On Monday, Trump asked supporters at a rally: “What does that mean; he [George W. Bush] kept the country safe after 9/11? What about during 9/11? I was there.”

The GOP frontrunner tried to detract from the former president hitting the campaign trail by saying: “The worst attack ever in this country? It was during his presidency.”

Watch: Body Language Expert: Sanders' Smile is Genuine, Clinton's Hiding Something