
Does This Footage Show Bernie Sanders Being Arrested in 1963?

Was Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders once arrested in Chicago?

Does newly unearthed footage show Bernie Sanders getting arrested?

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A man who bears a resemblance to the presidential hopeful appears in video taken at an anti-segregation demonstration in Chicago in 1963. A newspaper clipping has also revealed that a "Bernie Sanders" was taken into custody for resisting arrest.

Young Bernie was a student at the University of Chicago at the time, after transferring from Brooklyn College.

A Sanders spokesman says: "The man in the video looks like him but we're not 100 percent sure and we're working to try to verify it."

The footage emerged after some Hillary Clinton supporters scoffed at Sanders' claims that he has long fought for social justice.

Clinton got a mixed response yesterday in Las Vegas when she questioned his credentials as a Democrat after he attacked President Obama and President Clinton at a town hall debate.

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“I just don't know where all this comes from. Maybe it's that Sen. Sanders wasn't really a Democrat until he decided to run for office," she said.

A new CNN poll shows Sanders narrowing Clinton’s lead nationally. She's at 48 percent, he's at 42.

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