
New Airport Security Measures Cause Controversy

Travelers are beginning to show resentment for the new and intrusive airport security measures, including full-body scans. INSIDE EDITION reports.

A terrified 3-year-old girl pleaded with a TSA agent to stop touching her while she was being frisked.

The little girl's father, a TV news reporter from Houston, caught the disturbing incident on his cell phone.

Mandy Simon became upset when airport security officials at the airport in Chattanooga starting frisking her after she set off a metal detector.

They also took away her teddy bear for a scan!

Millions of Americans will soon be packing America's airports as families get together for the Thanksgiving holiday. But there is simmering resentment among many travelers over those new full-body scans that are being introduced at airports around the nation, and the intrusive pat downs that take place if you refuse to go through them.  

And a video shot by passenger John Tyner from San Diego is going viral.

Tyner used a cell phone to secretly tape a confrontation with TSA agents after he refused to submit to a body scan. Here's what happened next:

TSA Agent: "We are going to be doing a groin check. That means I'm going to place my hand on your hip, my other hand on your inner thigh, slowly go up and slide down."

Tyner: "If you touch my junk I'm going to have you arrested."

A supervisor warned him his only other option was not to fly.

Tyner: "I don't understand how a sexual assault could be made a condition of my flying."

Supervisor: "This is not considered a sexual assault."

Tyner: "It would be if you weren't the government."

TSA Agent: "By buying a ticket you gave up a lot of your rights."

"They threatened me with a $10,000 fine and a civil lawsuit and ultimately I told them I'd see them in court," said Tyner.

Authorities cite the shoe bomber case and the underwear bomber as examples of terrorists who tried to smuggle bombs under clothing.

TSA Chief John Pistole appeared on the Today show to stem the growing controversy.

"Everybody wants the best possible security to know that everybody else on that flight has been screened properly, that there's not a group of people with box cutters who may want to storm the cockpit or people with liquid explosives or shoe bombs," Pistole said.

Mr. Tyner says American Airlines refunded him the cost of his flight.