
Man Climbed Up 80-Foot Tree And Refused to Get Down For 24 Hours

Police say that despite attempts by rescue workers and negotiators, the man refused to descend until he was brought down on a stretcher 24 hours later.

After a 24-hour struggle, a man perched on top of a 80-foot tree in Seattle has finally climbed down, officials say.

#ManInTree is now on the ground and in contact with police. Officers still in speaking w/ him and working to safely resolve this incident.

— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) March 23, 2016

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According to KOMO News in Seattle, which live streamed the event, the man climbed the tree some time between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Tuesday, and was there for almost exactly 24 hours before climbing down.

Person in tree between 3rd and 4th on Stewart. SFD supporting @SeattlePD

— Seattle Fire Dept (@SeattleFire) March 22, 2016

In the live stream, Theron Zahn, who was reporting from the scene, could be heard saying: "There's no sign he wants to come down any time soon. He has been there throughout the night."

On Wednesday, the man climbed halfway down but went back to the top several times, leading witnesses to question whether he was truly coming down.

The man's motive for climbing a-top the tree is unknown and police said he refused to descend despite attempts by rescue workers to get him down.

Zahn said rescue workers were unable to forcibly remove him from the tree since a struggle 80 feet above the ground could become dangerous for both the man and the rescue workers.

Police negotiators had attempted to communicate with the man through the windows of a seven-floor Macy's store nearby.

Negotiators still working to contact man in tree at 4/Stewart. So far has refused to speak w/police and has thrown an apple at medics.

— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) March 22, 2016

There was no audio of the man in the live stream, but Zahn reported he can be heard yelling "a lot of bad language" incoherently. The man was also seen waving his arms around and ripping off parts of the tree.

KOMO News reporter Mark Miller eventually tweeted that the man climbed down all on his own, apparently without the help of any rescue crews.

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He sat on the ground for a moment and ate a piece of fruit, KOMO News reported, before stretchers came to bring him away.

Sitting now on the ground, not in the tree. Police talking to tree man. No sudden moves. #komonews

— Mark Miller (@MarkMillerKOMO) March 23, 2016


Police had rerouted traffic on nearby streets and taped off the area immediately around the tree.

In the live stream, one woman complained the disruption caused her to be late to work yesterday morning, as well as this morning.

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