
One Brave Dog Is the Sole Survivor of Heroic Canine Trio

INSIDE EDITION reports on the sole survivor of a trio of heroic dogs that helped save the lives of soldiers in Afghanistan.

He's now the sole survivor of a trio of hero dogs, a threesome that saved the lives of 50 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

INSIDE EDITION told you last time how three dogs, Target, Rufus and Sasha, foiled a suicide bombing at a barracks in Afghanistan. Sasha was killed in the attack, but Target was brought back to the U.S. by one of the soldiers she saved, and last month appeared on Oprah.

But tragically, after she ran away from home, she was accidentally euthanized at an animal shelter in Arizona. The story of Target's death is now front page in the New York Times and people across the U.S.A. are expressing horror. 

One viewer wrote, "Rest in peace, Target. We have failed you."

And a third, "The world is weeping over this devastating loss."

Now, meet Rufus, the lone survivor after Sasha and now Target.

Rufus was hurt in the failed suicide bombing, but was also brought to the U.S. and given a new home with a family in Georgia.

Lauren Duke, wife of the National Guard soldier who adopted Rufus, is appalled by the mixup that cost Target her life.

"It's so sad. I'm so sad to hear that she had to go so suddenly. It's really heartbreaking," said Duke.