
New York Daily News Endorses Hillary While Slamming 'Fantasist' Bernie Sanders

The editorial board of the liberal rival to the conservative New York Post has chosen to endorse 'Clinton' as a 'super prepared warrior realist.'

The New York Daily News has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

Calling the former senator from New York a 'superprepared warrior realist,' the paper also took a strongly worded swipe at Clinton's opponent who refuses to get off her tail, Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"They have in Clinton a superprepared warrior realist. They have in opponent Bernie Sanders a fantasist who’s at passionate war with reality. By choosing Clinton, "Empire State Dems would powerfully signal that the party has gotten real about achieving long-sought goals," reads the endorsement from the paper's editorial board.

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In contrast to Sanders, the paper called Clinton, who also served as the U.S. secretary of state, a "cauldron-tested globalist who had the spine to give Obama a thumbs-up for taking out Osama Bin Laden and who is far the wiser about the use of American power."

The paper bashes Bernie as an economic lightweight. 

"The most prominent Sanderisms would likely wreak epic economic damage," the editorial board wrote. "Sanders calls for enormously expanding the federal government’s role in American life, supported by equally huge tax increases — most of them falling on the wealthy but also hammering average middle-income earners to the tune of $4,700 a year."

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Hillary, on the other hand, "would stimulate the economy with major investments in roads, bridges and other infrastructure, as well as in scientific and medical research in critical areas like neuroscience," they wrote.

The NYDN endoresement comes just a week before the pivotal New York primary, where some polls already have Hillary ahead by double digits.

Clinton visited the paper's editorial board in downtown Manhattan April 9, where she sat for an interview that was recorded on video.

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