
Security Stepped Up at Holiday Tree Lighting

The famous tree lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center was under a tight watch by security after last week's bomb threat in Oregon. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

A spectacular light show as New York's Rockefeller center Christmas tree is lit.

Thousands gathered to watch the spectacle, but what you didn't see on the nationally televised broadcast was the intense security.

Every bag, purse and jacket was searched—with checkpoints set up for several blocks around the tree.

"They had us open our jackets and our bags one by one, they didn't let anyone in without searching," said a crowd member.

The beefed up security comes in the wake of that terrorist plot at the tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon where a teenager allegedly tried to detonate what he thought was a car bomb.  

At Rockefeller center, cops were taking no chances. INSIDE EDITION spotted bomb sniffing dogs and an army of police officers.

There was drama onstage too. Would Susan Boyle hit the high notes after stopping the music during her appearance Tuesday morning on The View?

Just hours after she froze on live TV, she appeared at the high-profile tree lighting ceremony and pulled it off without a hitch.

But the performance that everyone's talking about was by 10-year-old Jackie Evancho from America's Got Talent, who wowed the crowd with her big voice.