
Firefighters Rescue Cops Stuck In Elevator... But Stop To Take a Photo First

The police department responded: "Well, that was embarrassing."

A group of cops in Missouri had to call 911 on themselves after they became stuck in an elevator on Wednesday.

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Firefighters swiftly responded to the scene and rescued their fellow civil servants -- but not without pausing to snap a photo first.

The Kansas City Missouri Police Department posted the image to Facebook showing its 12 tactical team officers stuck in the elevator, adding: “Well, that was embarrassing.”

The elevator stopped working after the cops exceeded the weight limit, and it took Kansas City’s bravest 20 minutes to rescue the city’s finest.

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The police came out unscathed. The only injuries they sustained were to their egos.

One of firefighters, Tony Pisciotta, clearly enjoyed the situation.

"It was my pleasure to give my best cheese face for the boys in blue," he wrote on Facebook. "I love how some of the guys ducked their heads to prevent being noticed, and others… Well, went with it.”

The Kansas City Police Department said it “appreciates” the help from the firefighters.

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