
Why You Should Find a Ditch If You See A Tornado Coming

With tornado season at its height, storm chaser Warren Faidley shares survival tips.

If you think you should hide in a bathtub when a tornado approaches, think again.

With tornado season at its height, storm chaser Warren Faidley shared survival tips with INSIDE EDITION -- and using a bathtub for shelter isn't one of them.

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"It's a bad idea," he said. While bathtubs were once made of cast iron, today they're too flimsy to be any help in a storm, he explained.

The priority is finding something to cover your head, he said. If you don't have a helmet, he suggested grabbing a colander from the kitchen.

Then go to a room with as few windows as possible.

"It offers the most protection," he said. "Get down as low as you can and cover your head."

Outside, do not seek shelter beneath an overpass in case the structure is damaged by high winds. Instead look for a culvert or ditch and lay as low as possible.

'Lay flat, get down and cover your head if you can," he said. "Hopefully the winds will go right about you."

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Already tornadoes have been touching down across the U.S. On Sunday, there were reports of 15 tornadoes across the eastern Plains.

In Wray, Colorado, five people were hurt and multiple homes were damaged as tornadoes reached peak wind speeds of 120 mph, according to the National Weather Service.

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