Sarah Palin is under fire for a photo showing someone touching up her hairdo while visiting a cholera treatment center in Haiti. INSIDE EDITION has the details that may surprise you.
It's the photo of Sarah Palin in Haiti that's causing a storm of controversy.
The Associated Press ran this caption with the photo: "Sarah Palin has her hair done during a visit to a cholera treatment center."
A string of harsh criticism quickly followed, with the potential Presidential candidate being accused of bringing a hairdresser to a nation in crisis.
One Huffington Post columnist called Palin, "One of the shallowest and blatantly self-serving politicians I've ever seen. It's revolting seeing Sarah getting her hair made up like this field hospital is her movie set."
But take a closer look. That's no hairdresser. It's actually Palin's daughter, Dancing With the Stars contestant Bristol Palin, who was fixing a loose strand of her mom's hair, like any daughter would.
Greta Van Susteren accompanied Palin to Haiti. And on her show last night, the Fox News host was clearly annoyed that the trip was being overshadowed by the updo uproar.
"Was that A.P. caption lame and deceiving? We report, you decide," said Susteren on her show.
Palin tweeted: "This takes the cake."