Black Bear Struggles to Get Coffee Can Off His Head: 'He Just Kept Bumping Into the Truck'

An adult black bear wanders around an Alaskan highway with a coffee can stuck on its head.

The best part of waking up... was getting a coffee can removed from this black bear's head.

The spectacle caused several motorists pull off the side of a highway in Tok, Alaska, on Monday.

Randy Rallo, owner and operator of 40-Mile Air, became curious when he noticed several drivers had pulled off the highway.

The 3-year-old adult male bear appeared to be healthy with no signs of injuries.

Read: Rub-A-Dub Cub: Playful Black Bear Cools Off in Giant Bathtub on Hot Day 

"I was working on a float boat when I saw a semi-trailer truck had stopped," Rallo told "The bear walked right passed me, he couldn't see; he just kept bumping into the truck. 

Rallo considered helping the bear but quickly thought better of it. 

"I thought about trying to pull the can from the bears head but I gained my common sense and decided against it," said Rallo.

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According to Rallo, another man attempted to help the 250-pound black bear but jumped back when the bear tried to smack him away. Luckily, the bear's massive paw missed.

After 30 minutes of wandering aimlessly, the bear settled underneath the truck until biologists from the Alaska Deparment of Fish and Game arrived. 

They tranquilized the bear and waited 10 minutes until he was calm, carefully cutting the coffee can and taking it off of its head. 

Rallo and the biologists then carried the bear into the woods, where it was released.

"I'm just happy he was around long enough so we could help," Rallo said. 

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