
TV Reporter Fired After She's Pictured Being Carried Over Floodwaters to Keep Shoes Clean

A man and woman were pictured carrying reporter Lydia Cumming through floodwaters to the woman's house so she wouldn't get her shoes wet.

When covering a story, it’s a good idea not to become the story.

Mexican television reporter Lydia Cumming was dispatched last week to cover heavy flooding in the central city of Puebla.

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The 24-year-old journalist interviewed two residents about how the natural disaster had affected an elderly neighbor.

Then the man and woman carried her through floodwaters to the woman’s house so she wouldn’t get her shoes wet.

Someone snapped a photo and posted it to Cumming’s Facebook page, where it became a meme sensation. It also got Cumming fired.

Under the hashtag #Lady Reportera, Cumming being carried showed up on the moon and aside a very small pony.

* Small step for man, giant leap for #LadyReportera *

— Papá Olvidado (@PapaOlvidado) June 29, 2016


Esta bien que todos tengan un poquito de miedo en su primer clase de equitación #LadyReportera

— Chucho Rizo (@todologoax) June 28, 2016

Her boss didn’t think it was funny. On Twitter, he posted: “She was fired yesterday. I’m sorry for what happened. Her attitude is regrettable and for this, we sacked her."

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Cumming later posted an apology, saying, "I admit my mistakes. The photos show a lack of professionalism and tact.”

Soy Lydia Cumming. No #LadyReportera

— Lydia Cumming (@LydiaCumming) June 29, 2016

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