
TSA Claims It Has Turned Around, Bringing Security Wait Times Down to Just Minutes

The agency claims it has done a complete turnaround.

Earlier this summer, the TSA lines inside the nation’s airports looked like it was going to be a long travel season, but the administration has promised efforts to change that.

Read: Passenger Films Agony Over Unbelievably Long TSA 'Line From Hell'

The agency claims it has pulled off a major turnaround by hiring hundreds more staff and reorganizing how they work to bring new levels of efficiency to air travel.

It’s claimed the time it takes to go through security checks at major airports has been drastically slashed from hours in some places to just minutes.

The biggest improvement is at the worst airport — Chicago O'Hare — where lines that were once 2 hours long are now down to just 9 minutes, according to TSA. The news comes to the relief of many travelers as the Lollapalooza music festival will overtake the city for four days at the end of the month.

Read: The Ridiculous Ways People Have Tried to Smuggle Drugs, Gold Past the TSA

Inside Edition producer Allison Hall went through the TSA checkpoint in Philadelphia expecting a long wait. She said the she passed through security in just 15 minutes. 

Producer Brianna Deutsch did the same in Los Angeles, saying she went through security in 8 minutes. 

Watch: Airports Bringing in Puppies and Miniature Horses to Calm Passengers Stuck in Long Lines