Video Shows Would-Be Arsonist Accidentally Setting Himself on Fire: Cops

The man did more damage to himself than the business, authorities said.

Police in Kentucky are in search of an arsonist who appears to accidentally light himself on fire in surveillance footage.

"He did more damage to himself than the building," Madisonville Fire Chief Ray Wyatt told "The building itself did not burn."

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The Madisonville Police Department shared footage of the bumbling fire bug to its social media on Monday.

The video shows a man lighting what appears to be a Molotov cocktail and tossing it at a beauty and barber shop. Things go awry when a burst of flames erupts and catches the man's shoe on fire.

Having apparently forgotten the old "stop, drop and roll" maneuver, the man instead breaks out into a full-tilt run around the building.

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A camera on the other side of the building captures the suspect as he trips over and flies several feet through the air into a grassy yard. After extinguishing himself, the suspect returns to where his white van is parked and makes a second more successful attempt to start a fire.

But the fire chief said the blaze burned out as soon as the suspect left the scene. In fact, authorities were only alerted because the owners thought someone had tried to break in.

"They didn’t call the fire the department because they didn’t know they had a fire until they watched the surveillance," Chief Wyatt said.

The incident remains under investigation and Madisonville Police are searching for the man seen in the footage, as well as a woman who is also seen throwing something at the building.

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