Days-Old Fawn Poses for Photographer After Being Saved From Louisiana Floods

The baby deer looked very relieved, according to the photographer.

This days-old fawn had a lot to smile about after being rescued from Louisiana floodwaters.

The baby deer shut its eyes and appeared to pose for a photographer after being scooped up by a rescue team and taken to safety following the deadly floods last week.

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Scott Black, who works at a pharmacy near Baton Rouge, said he was leaving work when a man signaled for him to look inside his car. When he did, he saw the tiny deer inside another man's arms.

"It was so adorable," the amateur photographer, who runs Lagniappe Images, told "I took a couple of pictures with my phone. I had my proper camera in my car — I take it with me because there's no telling what you might see — so I grabbed it."

When he came back, the deer was more than ready for its close-up.

"He just raised his head back, closed his eyes and looked like he was posing," Black said.

Earlier that day, the men had seen rescuers carrying the deer in a boat. The rescuers said they needed to continue helping people, so the two men agreed to take the deer to a shelter.

It didn't appear to be injured, Black said. It just looked relieved to be on solid ground.

"He was tranquil," he said. "He looked like he had been in a bad spot and now he knew he was safe... I petted him behind the ear and it looked like he fell asleep."

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Black shared the photos to his Facebook page, where they were liked thousands of times. After seeing the images, a friend who's previously cared for fawns estimated the animal was between three and seven days old.

In a time of such heartache, Black said he's glad to know his photos are bringing people joy.

"People have told me they cried happy tears at the photos," he said. "People who are flooded and losing everything, he's putting a smile on their faces."

And there's good news for the deer. Black bumped into the driver a few days later and learned they'd taken the fawn to a local farm.

"It took to the bottle and it was doing well," Black said.

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