
Orphaned Baby Koala Finds a Friend in Plush Toy After His Mother Is Killed

A baby koala found with his dead mother in Australia was later given a friend to cope with his heartbreak.

A baby Koala found a friend when it needed one most, after rescuers gave the animal a plush toy look-alike.

Shayne, a 9-month-old joey, survived a car accident and was chased down by crows after clinging to his mother's dead body, according to the Australia’s Zoo Wildlife Warriors, which took him in following the ordeal.

Read: Put Me In, Coach! Curious Koala Runs Onto Soccer Field, Interrupting Match

During the joey’s stay, caretakers gave Shayne a stuffed koala bear that looks just like him to help him cope with the loss of his mother.

When Shayne was checked in, veterinarians say he miraculously had no injuries after the car accident, but he is too young to go back into the wild

Once the cuddly friend learns essential climbing and social skills from other young joeys, he will be released back in his natural habitat.

Read: Koala Plays Ring Bearer for Man's Wild Proposal

Australia's ‘trauma season,’ when temperatures spike and animals are forced to move around for food and shelter, koalas are especially vulnerable to life-threatening situations.

The Australia Wildlife Hospital takes in about 80 plus koalas a month during the busy season.

Watch: Baby Koala Climbs Up Cameraman for Some Cuddles