
Don't Be a Fashion Victim: Simple Tips to Fix Any Clothing Emergency

The next time your zipper gets stuck, make sure you have a crayon with you.

Stuck zippers, painful blisters and other fashion disasters have the potential to ruin anyone’s day, but such catastrophes can become cakewalks when you're equipped with the proper know-how.

Fashion Expert Katrina Szish walked Inside Edition through various tricks of the trade to get through any garment or footwear issue.

"If your zipper is stuck, grab a crayon, rub it on the zipper — and voila!" Szish explained.

She also offered advice when a cord manages to slip out of a sweatshirt’s hood, suggesting “getting a straw and stapling the string to the straw and then basically using it as a massive needle, rethreading it right through."

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Unsightly pilling can threaten to ruin a beloved sweater, but Szish had an easy solution to salvage the top.

“The easiest way to get rid of them is by taking a razorblade and gently slicing them off,” she said. “Just be careful never to pull them off because you risk unravelling the sweater.”

Breaking in a pair of uncomfortable shoes is a nightmare for many, but there are plenty of tricks to ease the pain, Szish said.

When it comes to tight high heels, Szish said: "The easiest way to make them fit is by slipping on a pair of thick sox, putting your feet in the shoes, getting a hair dryer and actually hitting the tight areas."

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To avoid torn up feet when wearing a pair of blister-inducing flats, look no further than your deodorant, she said.

"The easiest way to avoid those blisters is to grab a stick of deodorant, rub it on the problem areas, and you won't get blisters anymore,” she said.

Grab an express shipping label to combat lint that clings to any black clothing, she continued.

And if you need a little wiggle room in a pair of tight jeans, repurpose items found lying around the home, like a hair tie.

Szish explained: "Simply grab a hair elastic or a rubber band, put it around the button on one side the loops on the other side, and get a little extra stretch."

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